
Honest Reviews of stuff I paid full price for.
by Plony Almony

One day I saw someone adverstising a service offering to post bogus positive reviews about products for sale online.  To say that this bothered me, is an understatement.  As an internet "consumer" I rely to large extent on a products ratings. (duh!)  So, as a public service, I started this site to help the world to make informed purchases based on honest reviews.

2cl direct tactical pen 2cl Direct Tactical Pen

Short Review: 
Oster Bread MachineOster Bread MachineOster Bread MachineOster Bread MachineOster Bread Machine
An awesome and inexpensive and well made potentially life safe saving tool.

Detailed Review:

I have owned a few tactical pens over the years, and I lost every single one of them, or they were stolen.  A tactical pen is good thing to have in ones pocket.  Being a "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" type of guy, I recently discovered a tactical pen and its benefits.  Tactical pens can be used to defend one's life, and to save one's life or the life of another by being possibly able to break glass, such as a car window.  The 2cl direct Tactical pen is inexpensive which is great, so you don't tear your hear out if you lose it.  It is heavy duty, it has a pen, a light, a bottle opener, glass breaker and screw driver and can probably be used for several other tasks.  Don't think to much about this purchase, JUST GET ONE.

By the way, if you get a traffic ticket in New York I would recommend the lawyer: NY Ticket Lawyer


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